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          Smart home

          Publication date :2023-11-24
          Author:Nord Testing
          Views :
          Battery refers to a cup, tank, or other container or part of a composite container that contains electrolyte solution and metal electrodes to generate electric current. It is a device that can convert chemical energy into electrical energy.
          1. Selection of institutions:
          1. Conditions for selecting institutions:
          (1) Have independent legal person status.
          (2) Have a high-quality management team.
          (3) Have rich practical experience.
          (4) Have strong professional ability.
          2. How to judge whether an organization is trustworthy?
          (1) Understand the age of the institution.
          (2) Examine the scale and development status of the organization.
          (3) Check the qualification certificate of the organization.
          3. What is the system introduction process?
          (1) Determine the scope of the imported system.
          (2) Clarify the purpose of import.
          (3) Choose appropriate tools and methods.
          (4) Form an implementation team.
          (5) Train employees.
          2. System evaluation criteria:
          (1) Rationality of system design:
          Unreasonable system design mainly manifests itself in the following two aspects: First, the system design does not conform to the characteristics of the industry and Secondly, the system design cannot adapt to the actual situation of the enterprise.
          (2) Feasibility of system implementation:
          Implementability mainly includes two aspects: first, whether it can ensure the realization of quality objectives; second, whether it can achieve the expected effects and purposes.
          2016-2026 Copyright ? Nowd Testing Services Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.    Guangdong ICP No. 14063753

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